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Crowhurst CofE Primary School


Colours are based on maroon and sky blue

Polo shirt: sky blue

Trousers and skirts: grey or black 

Sweat shirts: maroon with school badge

School fleeces: are available for purchase but should only be worn outdoors, they are not a suitable substitute for a sweatshirt.

Summer Time

Blue gingham dresses can be worn as an alternative to grey skirts

Grey tailored shorts can be worn as an alternative to trousers


Shoes should be black with a flat heel
(Boots should only be worn in Winter and only in wet or very cold weather - and should also be black)

Summer sandals must offer sufficient support and protection for children’s feet. NOT strappy beach shoes please.)

PE Kit

Shorts - navy

T shirt - white with school badge

Winter PE Navy tracksuit or navy joggiung bottoms and spare school sweathsirt

Trainers - for outside games - must not be astro turf type

Plimsolls - for use in the hall



Very small ear studs for pierced ears are the only exception.

Hair elastics and clips should be simple and only worn to keep hair tidy.

Nail polish should not be worn in school.

Uniform Suppliers

You can purchase personalised items of uniform from the following sources:


Shirt Logos:

My Clothing

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