Welcome to our school website. We hope you'll find here all the information about our school. If there is anything else you would like to know though please don't hesitate to contact our school office on 01424 830324 or by email at office@crowhurst.e-sussex.sch.uk.
Please click on the headings along the top of the page to access the various sections of our website.
If viewing on a mobile device you may need to click on the menu button (circle containing three lines) to access further options.
Currently we have vacancies in Reception, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6. All other year groups are full.
For all admission enquiries please contact the school office in the first instance.
To apply for a place click HERE to visit the ESCC admissions page.
For children starting school in September 2025 (4 by 31st August 2025) we are pleased to offer tours of the school on the following dates:
1. Monday 14th October at 9.30am - FULL (no more spaces)
2. Friday 18th October at 2.00pm - FULL (no more spaces)
3. Wednesday 23rd October at 9.30am
4. Thursday 24th October at 2.00pm
5. Tuesday 5th November at 9.30am
6. Friday 8th November at 9.30am
7. Tuesday 12th November at 9.30am - FULL (no more spaces)
8. Friday 15th November at 2.00pm - FULL (no more spaces)
9. Monday 25th November at 9.45am
10. Tuesday 26th November at 2.00pm
Friday 13th December 2024 @ 9.45am
Tuesday 7th January 2025 @ 9.45am
Please contact the school office (01424 830324) to book onto a tour of the school as the number of places on each tour is limited for the benefit of visitors.


Our values this term
Crowhurst Church of England (Controlled) Primary School
Forewood Lane,
TN33 9AJ
Tel: 01424 830324
Email: office@crowhurst.e-sussex.sch.uk
Queries from parents or other members of the public will be handled by Mrs Webber or Miss Barbary
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss Mears