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Crowhurst CofE Primary School

Vision 2019(2)



We are proud of the heriotage of our school, which was set up in 1843, some 27 years prior to the introduction of compulsory education in the very first Education Act.  We believe, being a Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) School allows us to create a Christian ethos that makes us distinctive but not exclusive. 

We try in the daily life of our school to live out the teaching of Jesus to 'love our neighbour as ourselves' (Matthew 22:39) and this forms the basis of our School Vision.

We try to live out our vision every day in the way that we manage behaviour and bullying, ensuring children are treated fairly and also in terms of our motivation to provide the best learning opportunities for our pupils.

One way we have tried to link our school with the parish is through our school garden. This was redeveloped in 2009 with a St George and the Dragon theme. Photographs of the garden, complete witha  dragon arch and path appeared in the local village publication, The Crowhurst News. This inspired local poet Brian Moses to pen a poem considering the consequences of inviting a Dragon to school! 

Dragon Path

Nothing will be the same as before

once you’ve drawn a dragon to your door,

once a dragon knows just where to find you

you’ll always have to look behind you,

always have to take great care once you summon a dragon from its lair.

And it won’t be any kind of joke

if you see flames, if you smell smoke

or wake to find in dread of night,

half the village set alight.

The next day finding your headteacher

protecting the school from this fearful creature,

flameproofing the roof,

soundproofing the doors to block out the noise of its dragony roars.

While you’re inside, preparing for SATS,

the dragon is feasting on barbecued cats.

Avoiding the dragon will drive you insane.

I suggest you rename your path,

‘Sweet Hamster Lane’.

Brian Moses, May 2009.







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