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Crowhurst CofE Primary School



This week's collective worship from Mr Jervis is all about change, moving on and how that sometimes involves sacrifice.  Click below to find out more!

13.7.20 Moving on - sacrifice.mp4

Father Michael is sending us his collective worship story and prayers each week. Click on the video belowto hear Fr Michael tell us the story of the storm on the lake.

Fr Michael - storm on the lake.MP4

Click on the image below to go to a website with lots of songs to sing wherever you are - including many we use in Collective Worship


Crowhurst School Prayer
This is our school,
Let peace dwell here
Let the rooms be full of contentment
Let love abide here
Love of one another
Love of people everywhere
Love of life itself
And love of God.
Let us remember,
That as many hands build a house
So many hearts build a school


As Sunday 7th June was Trinity Sunday, Mr Jervis recordered a collective worship about the trinity.

Trinity Big Start.mp4


Prayer Spaces


Prayer Spaces in Schools enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore life's questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way. We have used Prayer Spaces to consider festivals such as Christmas and Easter or reflect on key events like Remembrance Day. To find out more about Prayer Spaces in Schools visit www.prayerspacesinschools.com/


family support work

In our Harvest Festivals we consider how good lucky we are to enjoy the fruit of the harvest and how good God is to us in creating such an amazing world. In response to this we bring our gifts of produce and donate them to Chichester Diocesan Association Family Support Work to support families in the local area. Find out more by visiting www.familysupportwork.org/


Each week we use a picture to make us think about what is happening in the world around us. This has a key question for children to think about and is linked to a specific British Value. There is also a newspaper for children with articles written especially for children.

Picture News Poster 18th November
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