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Crowhurst CofE Primary School


At Crowhurst, our aim is for pupils to develop the knowledge and skills to be successful, independent, collaborative and motivated learners, helping them to develop the qualities they need to succeed and enjoy happiness in life.

We are very proud of our rich and varied curriculum which caters for every child’s needs. We are confident that it enables pupils to not only excel in reading, writing and mathematics, but also develops their knowledge, skills and understanding across a wide range of subjects.

Our curriculum:

  1. Is inclusive and responsive to allow every child to achieve their potential;
  2. Reflects children's interests, their locality and the world in order to make learning relevant and personal;
  3. Is interactive and fun to develop children's creativity and collaboration.

The Crowhurst Curriculum is organised into clear topic themes for each year group. These themes enable pupils to practise, develop, refine and apply skills by integrating knowledge and skills. As well as the statutory curriculum, we provide additional opportunities for children to deepen and enhance their learning experience here. These include:

  • Viola lessons for Y2;
  • Swimming lessons for Y3 & 4;
  • Off-site gymnastics lessons with specialist coaches
  • Curriculum enrichment mornings as part of our local cluster of schools
  • Residential visits in Yr 3/4 and Yr 5/6
  • Bikeability in Yr 5/6

Extra-curricular activities e.g. BOOM active sports sessions before and after school along with clubs delivered by staff provide children with the opportunity to take their learning beyond the school day.

Please click on the link below if you would like to find out more about the National Curriculum;


You can also find out more about what is going on in each class by accessing the termly curriculum letter for each class and making an appointment with the class teacher on parent consultation evenings.

More information about individual subjects can be found in our curriculum subject statements, knowledge organisers and coverage documents below.

Our phonics teaching uses Little Wandle Letters and Sounds,  although this is supplemented by other schemes. We are currently looking into DFE approved systematic synthetic phonic schemes.

Click HERE for our curriculum statements

Curriculum overview 2022-23Curriculum overview 2023-24

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that will be covered in a unit of work. They are a tool to help teachers enact the curriculum, to give parents and pupils a view of what will be covered in that unit. They help us as a school to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of our pupils and covers the National Curriculum.

Because all our classes have mixed age groups, our curriculum is delivered on a two year rolling cycle. You will find below knowledge organisers for each of the classes.


For more information about our curriculum please contact the school office and ask to speak to Mr Jervis or Mrs Llamas

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